Scope of Congress
- 7 Plenary Lectures
- 30 Keynote Sessions
- 5 Pre-congress Courses: Clinical Day / Education Day / Mentoring Day / Technology Day / HPP Investigator’s Meeting
- 11 Luncheon Symposia
- 2 Joint Event: Proteomics Informatics Course (Sep. 16-17) / AOHUPO 2016 (Sep. 22-23)
- Post congress workshop: HPP workshop day (Sep.22) in Sun Moon Lake, Nantou
Program Overview
SUNDAY SEP. 18, 2016 |
SEP. 19, 2016 |
TUESDAY SEP. 20, 2016 |
WEDNESDAY SEP. 21, 2016 |
THURSDAY SEP. 22, 2016 |
SUNDAY, SEP. 18, 2016 Click here to download the program |
Registration | 08:00-19:30 @ Lobby, 1F |
Speaker Ready Room | 08:00-19:30 @ 103, 1F |
09:00-17:30 | Bioinformatics Hub Click here for more information
09:00-15:00 | Clinical Day - Clinical Proteomics for Precision Medicine (Ticketed Session)
09:00-15:30 | Education Day - Refresher on Biology & Medicine (Ticketed Session)
09:00-15:30 | Mentoring Day (Ticketed Session)
09:00 - 15:30 | Technology Day
09:00-15:20 | HPP Investigator’s Meeting
15:45-17:45 | HUPO Council Meeting
18:00-18:30 | Opening Ceremony
18:30-19:15 | Opening Plenary Session: Managing Health and Understanding Disease Using Big Data
19:15-20:00 | Opening Plenary Session: Precision Lung Cancer Therapy: Current and Beyond
20:00-21:30 | Welcome Reception
MONDAY, SEP. 19, 2016 Click here to download the program. |
Registration | 08:00-17:30 @Lobby, 1F |
Speaker Ready Room | 08:00-17:30 @103, 1F |
09:00-17:30 | Bioinformatics Hub Click here for more information
08:30-09:15 [PL03] |
Plenary Session: The Proteome in Context
09:30-10:30 | Networking Break and Poster Viewing |
10:30-12:15 [M01] |
Keynote Session: Cancer & Translational Proteomics
[MK-02] Verification of Oral Cancer Biomarkers and Their Translation to Clinical Settings - Jau-Song Yu, Taiwan [MO01-001] Verification of Colorectal Cancer Biomarker Candidates in Plasma/Serum Extracellular Vesicles by Targeted Proteomics - Takeshi Tomonaga, Japan [MO01-002] Proteomic Multimarker Panel Complements CA19-9 Insufficiency in the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma - Youngsoo Kim, South Korea [MO01-003] Pathology-Driven Comprehensive Proteomic Profiling of the Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment - Stephen Pennington, Ireland [MO01-004] Tissue Derived Neo-Antigens for T Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy - Michal Bassani, Switzerland [MO01-005] LinkedOmics: Discovering Associations Between Genomic, Proteomic and Clinical Attributes In Human Cancer - Jing Wang, United States |
10:30-12:15 [M02] |
Keynote Session: Innovative MS Techniques for Global & Targeted Proteomics
Jesper Velgaard Olsen, Denmark [MK-04] Comprehensive DIA with High Precursor Selectivity: How Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It Too? - Michael Maccoss, United States [MO02-001] MS1 Based Quantification Optimization on DIA Methods on a Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer - Yue Xuan, Germany [MO02-002] Digging Deeper Into Large SWATH MS1 Windows Using Gas Phase Fractionation SWATH-MS - Mark P Molloy, Australia [MO02-003] iST: Sample Preparation for High Throughput Clinical Proteomics- A Novel, Fast, Sensitive and Reproducible Sample Preparation for MS-Based Proteomics - Garwin Pichler, Germany [MO02-004] All MS/MS Ions Monitoring Acquired by Data-Dependent Acquisition Without Dynamic Exclusion: A New Concept for In-Depth Protein Quantification - Fei Fang, China [MO02-005] Analyses of Intact Proteins by LC-FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry at 21 Tesla Lissa C. Anderson, United States |
10:30-12:15 [M03] |
Keynote Session: Chemical Probes & Chemical Biology for Proteomics
[MK-06] Genetically Encoded Protein Photocrosslinker for Comparative Proteomics - Peng Chen, China [MO03-001] Quantitative Activity-Based Profiling of Kinase Inhibitor Binding and Selectivity on Protein Microarrays Containing >300 Human Protein Kinases - Jonathan Blackburn, South Africa [MO03-002] Novel Hybrid Platform for Rapid, Highly Sensitive and Specific Quantification of Proteins and Their Post-Translational Modifications - Liqi Xie, China [MO03-003] A Highly Sensitive Probe for Fucosylated Glycans for Biomarker Discovery - Naoyuki Taniguchi, Japan [MO03-004] A novel Set of Isobaric Peptide Labeling Reagent Enabled Proteomic Quantification Over 10 Different Samples - Yan Ren, China [MO03-005] TMTcalibrator™ Enhances Biomarker Discovery in Peripheral Fluids – Hui-Chung Liang, United Kingdom |
10:30-12:15 [M04] |
Keynote Session: Metabolomics & Metabolic Disorders
[MK-08] The Role of Gut Microbiota, Bile Acids, Intestinal Farnesoid X Receptor Signaling, and Ceramides in Metabolic Disease - Frank J. Gonzalez, USA [MO04-001] Global Data Standardization Algorithm for Applied Metabolomics - Petr Lokhov, Russia [MO04-002] Systemic Proteomic and Metabolomic Analyses Identify Crucial Roles of the Polyol Pathway in Tumorigenesis - Anuli Uzozie, Switzerland [MO04-003] Urine Proteomics for Evaluation of Taking Nano-Mist Sauna Effects on the Health - Yoshitoshi Hirao, Japan [MO04-004] Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic and Metabolic Analysis of Different Cell Lines After Perturbation of Cellular Cholesterol Regulation - Peter Blattmann, Switzerland [MO04-005] imCorrect: New UHRMS Signal Handling Approach for More Accurate Elemental Composition Determination - Wei-Hung Chang, Taiwan |
10:30-12:15 [M05] |
Keynote Session: Brain & EyeOME: Connecting two images
[MK-10] Proteomic Approaches to Understanding Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Richard D. Semba, USA [MO05-001] Proteomics Reveals Individual Patient Responses to Therapeutic Treatment for Dry Eye - Roger BeuermanSingapore [MO05-002] A Comprehensive Inter-Grade Proteomic Analysis of Serum, CSF and Tissue in Glioma - Manubhai Kp, India [MO05-003] Building a Comprehensive Chick Retinal Proteome Dataset by Liquid Chromatography (LC) Fractionation for Tandem MS and SWATH Analysis - Hu Xiao, Hong Kong, China [MO05-004] Do Platelet-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Contain Specific Biomarkers Allowing for Early Diagnostics of Alzheimer’s Disease? - Helmut Erich Meyer, Germany [MO05-005] Generating a Proteomic Profile of Neurogenesis, Through a Quantitative Comparison of Neuroepithelial and Radial Glial Like Stem Cells - Shaun Garnett,South Africa |
12:30-13:30 | Industry Seminar supported by SCIEX: Applications of Industrialized Quantitative Proteomics to Advance Precision Medicine
High-Throughput Multiplexed Quantitative Proteomics for Personalized Medicine Applications
Novel Data Independent Acquisition and Processing Strategies for Quantitative Proteomics
Sweet Revolution: Analytical Tools for the Characterization of Glycans and Glycoproteins
Advances in Proteomics from Agilent Technologies
Uncompromised Performance: Exploiting the Potential of UHR-Q-TOF for Discovery Proteomics
13:45-15:30 [M06] |
Keynote Session: Immunity, Inflammation & Infectious Diseases
[MK-12] Immunotherapy of Cancer; An Overview and Recent Results - Donald F. Hunt, United States [MO06-001] The Human Immunopeptidome: Can Big Data Improve the Precision of Immunotherapy? - Anthony Purcell, Australia [MO06-002] Quantitative Host-Pathogen Protein Network Analysis Using Data-Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry Analysis - Johan Malmström, Sweden [MO06-003] Proteomic of Host-Microbiome Interactions in a Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inception Cohort to Identify Protein Biomarkers - Daniel Figeys, Canada [MO06-004] Challenges of Biomarker Discovery in Developing Countries: A Proteomics Investigation to Identify Unique Disease Signatures in Infectious Diseases - Sanjeeva Srivastava, India [MO06-005] Robust Temporal Profiling of GRB2 Protein Complexes in Primary T Lymphocytes Using SWATH Mass Spectrometry - Etienne Caron, Switzerland |
13:45-15:30 [M07] |
Keynote Session: BioInformatics & Computational Proteomics
[MK-14] Exploring the Diversity in the Human Proteome - Nuno Bandeira, Unitesd States [MO07-001] Investigating the Basic Assumptions in Protein Abundance Estimation Using SWATH-MS Data - Wenguang Shao, Switzerland [MO07-002] Reactome - Interactive Pathway Analysis for Proteomics - Henning Hermjakob, United Kingdom [MO07-003] MSCypher: A High-Throughput Peptide Identification Strategy for Complex Mixtures - Andrew Webb, Australia [MO07-004] neXtProt in the Context of Human Proteomics Projects - Lydie Lane, Switzerland [MO07-005] A Genetic Algorithm to Locate Responsive Subpathways for Time-Course Proteomic Data - Eu-Yu Lai, Taiwan |
13:45-15:30 [M08] |
Keynote Session: PTM Crosstalks I - Phosphoproteomics, Kinome & OGlcNAc
[MK-16] Nutrient Regulation of Cellular Physiology by Extensive Crosstalk Between O-GlcNAcylation & Phosphorylation - Gerald W. Hart, United States [MO08-001] Drug Resistance Assessed by Multi-Proteomics Approaches - Simone Lemeer, Netherlands [MO08-002] Proteome Dynamics Reveal Temporal Regulation of O-GlcNAcylation/phosphorylation in Determining Apoptosis of Activated B Cells - Hsin-Yi Wu, Taiwan [MO08-003] Subtilisin for Large Scale (Phospho)Proteomics – the Beginning of a Wonderful Love Story? - Humberto Gonczarowska-Jorge, Germany [MO08-004] Profiling Kinome Activities Using Kinase-Specific Substrate Peptides - Naoyuki Sugiyama, Japan [MO08-005] Tyrosine phosphorylation Changes Due to Calcium Signaling Cascade Post-Sampling Prevented by Enzyme Heat Inactivation - Mats Borén, Sweden |
13:45-15:30 [M09] |
Keynote Session: New Technological Advancements
[MK-18] Capturing the Spatial Proteome in Action - Kathryn Lilley, United Kingdom [MO09-001] Structural Characterization of Protein Phosphorylation and Antibody Complexes by Top/middle-Down Mass Spectrometry - Jingxi Pan, Canada [MO09-002] Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry: An Additional Dimension of Separation for Proteomics Applications - Melvin Park, United States [MO09-003] Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of a Novel Scanning Quadrupole DIA Method for Omics Analysis - Johannes Pc Vissers, United Kingdom [MO09-004] ProteusQC™: the Versatile Standard for Bottom-up Proteomics - Andrew Percy, United States [MO09-005] Sampling of Tissues for Proteomics by Soft Laser Ablation - Hartmut Schlueter, Germany |
13:45-15:30 [M10] |
Keynote Session: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases: Energy Balance in Disease Phenotypes
[MK-20] Characterization of Protein Dynamics in the Myocardium using Multidimensional Proteomics - Maggie Lam, United States [MO10-001] Changes in Protein Expression Patterns in Islets of Langerhans: Implications for Treatment of Children with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes - Peter Bergsten, Sweden [MO10-002] Proteomic Phenotyping of Human Arterial Samples Identifies Novel Markers of Early Atherosclerosis - David Herrington, United States [MO10-003] Proteomic Analysis of Membranes in Mouse and Human Cardiovascular Tissues - Anthony Gramolini, Canada [MO10-004] Glycoproteomics of the Aortic Extracellular Matrix: An Approach for Studying Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk - Ferheen Baig, United Kingdom [MO10-005] Phosphoproteomics Identifies CK2 as a Negative Regulator of Beige Adipocyte Thermogenesis and Energy Expenditure - Kosaku Shinoda, United States [MO10-006] Protective Effects of GLP-1 Analogues Against Cellular Stress: An in Vitro Proteomic Study - Ali Tiss, Kuwait [MO10-007] Poorly Controlled Diabetes Mellitus is Associated with Decreased Aspirin-Mediated Acetylation of Platelet Cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) at Serine 529 - Jean-Charles Sanchez, Switzerland |
15:30-16:30 | Networking Break and Poster Viewing |
16:45-17:30 [PL 04] |
Plenary Session: Proteogenomic Analysis of Cancer: New Opportunities in Cancer Biology and Precision Medicine
17:30-18:15 [PL 05] |
Plenary Session: Development of Near Complete Proteome Coverage Technology and Its Application on Cell Signaling Study
18:15-19:15 | HUPO General Assembly
19:30-21:30 | Invited Speaker Dinner (by Invitation Only)
TUESDAY SEP. 20, 2016 Click here to download the program. |
Registration | 08:00-17:30 @Lobby, 1F |
Speaker Ready Room | 08:00-17:30 @103, 1F |
09:00-17:30 | Bioinformatics Hub Click here for more information
08:30-09:15 [PL05] |
Plenary Session: Glycoproteomics – A genetic Approach to Deconstruction and Simplification of Protein Glycosylation
09:30-10:30 | Networking Break and Poster Viewing |
10:30-12:15 [T01] |
Keynote Session: Interactomics & Protein Network
[TK-02] Multilayer Proteomics Approaches to Understanding Common Human Diseases - Junmin Peng, United States [TO01-001] The Regulatory Role of Methylation and Methylation–Phosphorylation Crosstalk in Protein Interaction Networks - Marc Wilkins, Australia [TO01-002] Network Analysis Reveals a Dominant Role of Protein-Level Regulation in Coordinating Gene Functions - Bing Zhang, United States [TO01-003] Profiling the Phosphotyrosine Interactome of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases - Runsheng Zheng, Germany [TO01-004] Phylointeractomics Reconstructs Functional Evolution of Protein Binding - Dennis Kappei, Singapore [TO01-005] Determining Network Topology, Distance Restraints and Activation Markers from Endogenous Protein Complexes - Marco Faini, Switzerland |
10:30-12:15 [T02] |
Keynote Session: Glycoproteomics - Technical Limitations & Prospects
[TK-04] Comprehensive Analysis of N-Linked Protein Glycosylation Using NGAG and Mass Spectrometry Hui Zhang, Johns Hopkins University, United States [TO02-001] In-depth analysis of human plasma glycoproteins by a combination of high-resolution native mass spectrometry and middle-down proteomics - Vojtech Franc, Netherlands [TO02-002] Confident, Automated N-Glycoproteomics Profiling in Enriched and Unenriched Cell Samples - Scott Peterman, United States [TO02-003] Identification of Intact Glycopeptides with In-Silico Deglycosylation Strategy for O-glycoproteomics Analysis - Hongqiang Qin, China [TO02-004] Glycoproteomic Analysis of Human Plasma Using SWATH-MS - Chi-Hung Lin, Australia [TO02-005] A Suite of SWATH Glycoproteomic Approaches for Easy global Glycoprotein Analysis - Ben Schulz, Australia |
10:30-12:15 [T03] |
Keynote Session: PTM Crosstalks II - Lysine & other Modificomics
[TK-06] Discovery and Initial Characterization of a Family of Lysine Acylation Pathways - Yingming Zhao, United States [TO03-001] Unravelling Crosstalks Between SUMOylation and Other Protein Modifications in Human Cells Using Dynamic Proteomics - Pierre Thibault, Canada [TO03-002] Towards Comprehensive Analysis of Protein ADP-ribosylation - Yonghao Yu, United States [TO03-003] Acetylome Analysis Reveals Carbon Metabolism as a Key Factor Enhancing Thermogenesis in White Adipocytes - Hsin-Yi Chang, Japan [TO03-004] Effects of Co-/Post-Translational Modifications on Protein Function - Hisashi Hirano, Japan [TO03-005] Efficient Enrichment of SUMOylated Peptides from Alpha-Lytic Protease Digest Using K- Ɛ -GG Remnant Immuno-Affinity Purification - Hongbo Gu, United States |
10:30-12:15 [T04] |
Keynote Session: Imaging Mass Spectrometry
[TK-08] Molecular Imaging of the Brain by Mass Spectrometry - Per Andrén, Sweden [TO04-001] Molecular Imaging of Protein in Tissues Using Ambient Ionization Top-Down Mass Spectrometry - Cheng-Chih Hsu, Taiwan [TO04-002] 3D MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry Using Next Generation Technologies - Reconstruction of a Molecular Imaged Epididymis - Charles Pineau, France [TO04-003] Localization and Identification of Peptides from Tissue Using High-Speed MALDI TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry - Sabu Sahadevan, France [TO04-004] Monitoring ErbB1 and ErbB2 Interaction and Activation Using Engineered Cell Lines and Duolink Proximity Ligation Assay by High-Content Imaging - Tracy Adair-Kirk, United States [TO04-005] Molecular Profile Discrimination and Mapping of Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in Rat Crush Model Using MALDI Imaging - Anne Denys, France |
10:30-12:15 [T05] |
Keynote Session: Liver & Toxicoproteomics: Metabolism, Drug Transformation & Toxicity
[TK-10] Drug-Drug Interaction: Monitoring CYP450 enzymes and Transporters in Mice and Men - Oliver Poetz, Germany [TO05-001] Personalized proteomic characterization of hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinomas - Ying Jiang, China [TO05-002] In vitro investigation of an adverse outcome pathway of cholestatic liver injury using quantitative phosphoproteomics - René Zahedi, Germany [TO05-003] Differential proteomic analysis of cholangiocarcinoma cells and cell-derived extracellular vesicles by label free mass spectrometry - Felix Elortza, Spain [TO05-004] Proteome analysis of microdissected tumor cells reveals Annexin A10 as biomarker candidate for differentiation of ICC and liver metastases of PDAC - Thilo Bracht, Germany |
12:30-13:30 | Industry Seminar supported by SCIEX: IInnovations in Industrializing Quantitative Proteomics
Answering the Proteoforms Challenge: Alternative Approaches for Biomarker Discovery Room: South Lounge, 3F Industry Seminar supported by Meridigen: Discovery and Future Application for Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Verify the Protein Interactome with Visual Confirmation
Defining biological phenotypes by quantifying small molecular changes
13:45-15:30 [T06] |
Keynote Session: Antibodies & Protein Arrays
[TK-12] Validation of Antibodies to Study the Human Proteome - Mathias Uhlén, Sweden [TO06-001] Status of the Affinity Binder Knockdown Initiative - Tove Alm, Sweden [TO06-002] Heterogeneous Ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) Binds the 5' Terminal Sequence of the Hepatitis C Virus RNA and Mature miR-122 - Chien-Sheng Chen, Taiwan [TO06-003] A High-Content Functional Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Proteome Microarray and Its Applications - Yang Li, China [TO06-004] Utilizing Protein Microarray to Monitor Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption and Active Inflammation in Plasma Samples from Multiple Sclerosis Patients - Malene Moeller Joergensen, Denmark [TO06-005] Mapping Transcription Factor Interactome Networks Using HaloTag Protein Arrays - Junshi Yazaki, Japan |
13:45-15:30 [T07] |
Keynote Session: Integrative Glyco(proteo)mics for Glycobiology & Diseases
[TK-14] Accurate Mass- and Glycan Composition-Based Assignment of Glycosylation Site-Specific Glycomes of Complex Glycoprotein Mixture - Hiroyuki Kaji, Japan [TO07-001] Identification of Intact Glycopeptides at a Proteome Scale - Mingqi Liu, China [TO07-002] Integrated Glycoproteomics Demonstrates Fucosylated Serum Paraoxonase 1 Alterations And functions in Lung Cancer - Je Yoel Cho, South Korea [TO07-003] Decoding Site-Specific Alteration of Sialo-Glycoproteome in EGFR-Subtype of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Yi-Ju Chen, Taiwan [TO07-004] Identifying Antibody and Lectin Recognition to HIV N-Glycans Through Native Mass Spectrometry and Glycoproteomic Analysis of Viral Envelope Spikes - Weston Struwe, United Kingdom [TO07-005] Dynamic mapping of Human Frontal Cortex According to the Developmental Stage via Neuroglycomic Approach - Jua Lee, South Korea |
13:45-15:30 [T08] |
Keynote Session: Proteome Dynamics:Stability, Turnover & Degradomics
[TK-16] Ubiquitin Proteomics – Revelations of a Master Manipulator - Donald Kirkpatrick, United States [TO08-001] Copy Number Alteration Programmed Protein Turnover Quantified by pSILAC and SWATH Mass Spectrometry - Yansheng Liu, Switzerland [TO08-002] High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (HR-MS-CETSA) - Post-Translational Modifications Impact on Protein Stability - Radoslaw Sobota, Singapore [TO08-003] A Dynamic Picture of the Proteome and Ibiquitinome Upon Proteasome Inactivation - Jeroen Demmers, Netherlands [TO08-004] Proteome Turnover Analysis Reveals Substrates and Physiological Role of Membrane Proteases - Ansgar Poetsch, Argentina [TO08-005] A Novel Function of CRL2 Ubiquitin Ligase in Protein Quality Control - Hsiu-Chuan Lin, Taiwan |
13:45-15:30 [T09] |
Keynote Session: Spatial & Single Cell Proteomics
[TK-18] Analysis of Tumor Heterogeneity in Three Dimensions by Imaging Mass Cytometry - Bernd Bodenmiller, Switzerland [TO09-001] Quantitative Proteome-Wide Profiling of the Retromer Cargo Landscape - Christina Bell, United States [TO09-002] Refining the Details in the Tissue-Based Map of the Human Proteome - Cecilia Lindskog, Sweden [TO09-003] Membrane Localization of Metabolic Enzymes and Metabolic Modulation in a Cell Division Mutant of Escherichia Coli Identified by Omics Approaches - Yu-Ling Shih, Taiwan [TO09-004] Determining Post-Translational Modifications of Nuclear Proteins - Ryotaro Ban, Japan [TO09-005] Single-Cell Proteome Profiling: Innovations in Sample Preparation - Masaki Wakabayashi, Japan |
13:45-15:30 [T10] |
Keynote Session: Protein Standards and Model Organisms: Expanding Our Horizons
[TO10-001] - The ProteomeXchange Consortium: 2016 update - Juan Antonio Vizcaino, United Kingdom [TO10-002] proBAMconvert: Organizing MS Identifications in a Genome-Centric Fashion Enables Proteogenomics and Proteomics Integration - Gerben Menschaert, Belgium [TO10-003] The HUPO-PSI Quality Control Working Group: Making QC More Accessible for Biological Mass Spectrometry - Mathias Walzer, Germany [TK-20] The Golgi Localized UDP-GlcNAc Transporter is Required for the Maturation of Complex N-glycans in Plants - Joshua Heazlewood, Australia [TO10-004] Adipose Tissue Pathways in Obesity: Iberian Pig as Large Animal Model of Metabolic Disorders - Cristian Piras, Italy [TO10-005] Proteomics in Food Safety: Monitoring Competition between Listeria Monocytogenes and Lactococcus Lactis by Imaging Mass Spectrometry - Isabella Alloggio, Italy [TO10-006] Proteome Alterations in the Porcine Endometrium during Embryo Implantation - Thomas Fröhlich, Germany |
15:30-16:30 | Networking Break and Poster Viewing |
15:30-16:30 | PhD Abstract Competition
16:45-17:30 [PL 06] |
Plenary Session: Complementary Methods for Probing Protein Assemblies and Interactions
18:00-21:00 | HUPO Congress Night: Formosa Night [Ticket Event]
WEDNESDAY SEP. 21, 2016 Click here to download the program. |
Registration | 08:00-16:00 @Lobby, 1F |
Speaker Ready Room | 08:00-16:00 @103, 1F |
08:30-09:15 [PL05] |
Plenary Session: Precision Medicine: Proteomics in the Context of Health Assessment and Systems Biology
09:00-17:30 | Bioinformatics Hub Click here for more information
09:30-10:15 | ECR Manuscript Competition
09:30-10:30 | Networking Break and Poster Viewing
10:30-15:30 | Bioinformatics Hub Special Interest Topic: Glycoproteomics Informatics
10:30-12:15 [W01] |
Keynote Session: Pharmacoproteomics & Drug Development
[WK-02] Quantitative Proteomics To Support the Discovery and Development of Targeted Drugs - Henrik Daub, Germany [WO01-001] Proteome-Wide Drug Dose-Response of Prostate Cancer Cell Lines Exposed to Androgen Receptor Antagonists by Microflow-LC SWATH MS Analysis - Christie Hunter, United States [WO01-002] Profiling Changes in the Phosphoproteome of Hematopoietic Cells in Response to a Novel Class of Anti-Oncogenic Compounds - Peter Kubiniok, Canada [WO01-003] Cancer Proteomics towards Precision Medicine by Molecular Targeting Drug - Zhiwei Qiao, Japan [WO01-004] Drug Development by Linking Pathophysiology in Cancer to Proteomics - Marko-Varga György, Sweden, Japan |
10:30-12:15 [W02] |
Keynote Session: Proteogenomics & The Missing Proteins
[WK-04] A Proteogenomic Analysis of Early Onset Gastric Cancer - Daehee Hwang, South Korea [WO02-001] A Proteogenomics Approach to Reveal Molecular Mechanisms of COPD - Peter Horvatovich, Netherlands [WO02-002] Launch of MissingProteinPedia: Accelerating Discovery of the Human Proteome Project’s “Missing Proteins” - Mark S Baker, Australia [WO02-003] Proteogenomics of Human Cancer Cell Lines: Coding Variants Identified by Shotgun Proteomics - Sergei Moshkovskii, Russia [WO02-004] Proteogenomic Profiling of Neoantigens for Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy - Koji Ueda, Japan [WO02-005] Missing Genes and Supplementary Tissues in the Human Protein Atlas - Evelina Sjostedt, Sweden |
10:30-12:15 [W03] |
Keynote Session: Cysteine Modifications & Redoxomics
[WK-06] ROSics: Principle of ROS in Oxidative Modifications and Structural Regulations - Kong-Joo Lee, South Korea [WO03-001] Quantitative Proteomics Depicts the Landscape of Cysteine Redoxome for Nitric Oxide-Mediated Myocardial Protection against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury - Tzu-Ching Meng, Taiwan [WO03-002] Proteomic Analysis of S-sulfhydration by Ultrafilter-Assisted Functional Supramolecular Polymer Capture - Huiming Yuan, China [WO03-003] TRPC6-dependent S-nitrosylation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - Heaseung Sophia Chung, United States [WO03-004] Proteomic and Redox Proteomic Analyses Reveal a Dual ROS-Regulation of Glucose Uptake in Adipocytes - Zhiduan Su, Australia [WO03-005] Identification of Protein Estrogenization as a Redox Post-Translational Modification by Shot-Gun Proteomics and Activity Probe with Dimethyl Labeling - Shu-Hui Chen, Taiwan |
10:30-12:15 [W04] |
Keynote Session: Membrane & Extracellular Proteomics
[WK-08] Targeting Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) in Lung Cancer: Towards Interactome-Informed Medicine - Igor Stagljar, Canada [WO04-001] Analysis of Plasma Membrane Proteomes of Gastric Cancer Cells Reveals that ASCT2 is Involved in Cancer Metastasis by Targeting WNT/b-catenin Signaling - Feng Liu, China [WO04-002] Tumour-Dependent Fibroblast Activation: When a Good Neighbour Turns Bad - Wei Wu, Netherlands [WO04-003] Analysis of Proteoforms in Membrane Protein Complexes by CID/ETD Top-Down Proteomics - Hans Wessels, Netherlands [WO04-004] In Silico Characterization of the Human Lipid Raft Proteome - Michelle Hill, Australia [WO04-005] Exosomal EphA2 Transmits Chemoresistance and Predicts Pancreatic Cancer Patient Responses to Therapy - Tony Hu, United States [WO04-006] Systemic Perturbation of Keratinocyte Homeostasis by Genetic Loss of the Extracellular Matrix Protein Collagen VII - Kerstin Thriene, Germany |
10:30-12:15 [W05] |
Keynote Session: Food & Nutrition and Immuno- Peptidome: Focus on Food Allergies
[WK-10] The Human Immuno-Peptidome Project: A New Initiative of B/D-HPP Program - Etienne Caron, Switzerland [WO05-001] The Benefits of Hybrid Fragmentation Technologies (EThcD) for Analysing the Immunopeptidome - Albert J Heck, The Netherlands [WO05-002] Digestomics of Raw Peanut and Characterization of Gastric-Phase Released Peptides of Peanut Allergens - Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic, Serbia [WO05-003] Ultra-Fast Analysis of Allergens Using Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to Mass Spectrometry and Ultraviolet Photodissociation - Daniel Lopez-Ferrer, United States [WO05-004] Characterisation of Specificity of Different Commercial Proteases for Food Hydrolysates - Cristian De Gobba, Denmark [WO05-005] Characterization and Modulation of Fish Allergens - Pedro Rodrigues, Portugal |
12:30-13:30 | Networking Break and Poster Viewing
13:45-15:30 [W06] |
Keynote Session: Chemical Proteomics & Drug Profiling
[WK-12] Thermal Proteome Profiling for Drug Discovery - Mikhail Savitski, Germany [WO06-001] Target Identification in Living Cells via Mass Spectrometry-Based Chemical Proteomics - Xuezhi Bi, Singapore [WO06-002] Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry Analysis Identifies a Novel Therapeutic Target in the Wnt Signaling Pathway - Tesshi Yamada, Japan [WO06-003] The Phosphoproteome of the NCI-60 Cell Line Panel Reveals Markers of Drug Sensitivity - Chen Meng, Germany [WO06-004] Targeted Proteomic Profiling of Enzymes that Activate the Prodrug PR-104A in Human Leukaemias - Yongchuan Gu, New Zealand [WO06-005] Identification of TIFA as a Novel Therapeutic Target in Acute Myeloid Leukemia - Tong-You Wei, Taiwan |
13:45-15:30 [W07] |
Keynote Session: Proteomics in the Era of Big Data
[WK-14] Data Infrastructure for Chinese Human Proteome Project - Weimin Zhu, National Institute for Protein Sciences – Beijing, China [WO07-001] Leaving Shallow Waters of Protein Identification: Integrating Taxonomic and Functional Information to Tackle Challenges in Metaproteomic Data Analysis - Thilo Muth, Germany [WO07-002] HUPO Human Proteome Project Metrics for 2016 - Gilbert Omenn, United States [WO07-003] Quantitation and Evaluation of Candidate Biomarkers of Pancreatic Cancer in Plasma Using Multiple Reaction of Monitoring Method - Weimin Zheng, China [WO07-004] ProDiGy: a Proteome Knowledge Discovery Gateway - Dong Li, China [WO07-005] Comprehensive Draft of the HeLa Proteome to a Depth of More than 13,000 Proteins - Dorte Breinholdt Bekker-Jensen, Denmark |
13:45-15:30 [W08] |
Keynote Session: Neurological Disorders & Neuroproteomics
[WK-16] Exploring the Role of Hydrogen Sulfide in Neurodegenerative Disorders - Andrea Urbani, Italy [WO08-001] Gene Expression and Proteomic Analysis of Cognitive Dysfunction in People with Remitted Major Depression - Klaus Oliver Schubert, Australia [WO08-002] Proteomic Dissection of AMPA Receptor Complexes Identifies FRRS1l as a Determinant for Receptor Biogenesis Mutated in Severe Intellectual Disability - Uwe Schulte, Germany [WO08-003] Autoantibody Response in Meningioma Patients Reveals Aberrations in Signalling Pathways - Shabarni Gupta, India [WO08-004] Proteomic Analysis of Motor Neurons from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: ALS - Victoria Dardov, United States [WO08-005] Analysis of the O-GlcNAcomic Profiling of Brain Tissue in Alzheimer’s Disease - Wei-Wei Chang, Taiwan |
13:45-15:30 [W09] |
Keynote Session: Plant & Microbial Proteomics
[WK-18] Application of Mass Spectrometric Technology for Quantifying Changes in Plasma Membrane Receptor-Mediated Signaling in Arabidopsis Thaliana - Michael R. Sussman, United States [WO09-001] Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Flooding and Its Recovery in Soybean Exposed to Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles - Setsuko Komatsu, Japan [WO09-002] Single-Species Proteomics, Multi-Species Metaproteomics, Trends and Opportunities to Read-Across in Environmental Assessment - Susana Cristobal, Sweden [WO09-003] Gastric Bypass Surgery Clearly Perturbs the Community Structure and the Functional Composition of the Intestinal Microbiota - Nico Jehmlich, Germany [WO09-004] Integrated Extracellular Matrix Proteome And organ Specific Transcriptome Decipher Cell Wall Mediated Immunity in Plant - Kanika Narula, India [WO09-005] Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Abscisic Acid Signaling Components in Arabidopsis Seed - Anna Amagai, Japan |
13:45-15:30 [W10] |
Keynote Session: Kidney, Urine and Plasma: Opportunities for early diagnosis and risk assessment
[WK-20] Affinity Proteomics with Plasma Biobanks - From Discovery to Validaon - Jochen Schwenk, Sweden [WO10-001] Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Kidney Distal Convoluted Tubule and Cortical Collecting Duct Cells Following Long-Term Hormonal Stimulation - Qi Wu, Denmark [WO10-002] Targeted MS-based Assay of Circulating Proteoforms Related to Aging in Human Plasma - Pingbo Zhang, United States [WO10-003] Can Proteomics Contribute to Solving the Riddle of Diabetic Nephropathy? - Leena Kerstin Maria Liljedahl, Sweden [WO10-004] Quantification of Angiotensin II-Regulated Proteins in Urine of Patients with Polycystic and Chronic Kidney Diseases by Selected Reaction Monitoring - Ana Konvalinka, Canada [WO10-005] Analysis of the HDL Proteome - Myths and Legends and Reality - Manfred Raida, Singapore |
15:30-17:30 | Closing Plenary Session with Award Lectures
18:00 | Transfer to Sun Moon Lake |
THURSDAY SEP. 22, 2016 - HPP Post-Congress Day Location: Cosmos Cloud B (3F), Fleur de Chine Hotel Click here to download the program. |
08:30 | Highlights from Congress and discussions of B/D, C-HPP, Resource Pillars Moderators: Gil Omenn, Young-Ki Paik, Jennifer van Eyk |
09:00 | Bioinformatics Hub, JPR special issue 2016 and future, experience with HPP MS Guidelines v2.1. Eric Deutsch, ISB, USA and Chris Overall, Univ. British Columbia, Canada |
09:30 | Open discussion about recent strategic successes and strategic planning for next year and for 5 years: aims, directions, changes, deliverables |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:20 | HPP Plenary Lecture 3: Lung Cancer Genomics Sung-Liang Yu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
10:50 | Reports on the Cluster Meeting (C- & B/D-HPP+CPTAC) (1) Cancer (2) In Vitro Transcription/Translation Platform (3) Reproductive Biology (4) Membrane Proteins (5) Neurodegenerative Disease |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:30 | HPP Strategy Session Strategic Evaluation by members of HPP SAB, led by Cathy Costello, Naoyuki Taniguchi, Mathias Uhlen, John Yates |
14:30 | Communications, Publications, Resources Publications, including assessment of 2016 JPR special issue and plans for 2017, HPP Operations & Communication matters (C. Pineau, C. Borchers), HPP Resources and Funding, Upcoming Workshops and Meetings: Brazil, 10-12 Dec 2016; joint C-HPP Workshop with EuPA (June, 2018, Spain) |
16:00-18:00 | Boad Tour |
Program at a Glance
Please find a tentative “Program at a Glance” below. The congress program will continue to be updated as speakers and sessions are confirmed.
SUNDAY, SEP. 18, 2016

MONDAY, SEP. 19, 2016

TUESDAY SEP. 20, 2016