Dear Colleague,
Greetings from HUPO 2016, Taipei!
It is my great honor to share with you the exciting information that the 15th Human Proteome Organization World Congress in 2016 (HUPO 2016) will be held in Taipei, from September 18th (Sunday) to September 22nd (Thursday), 2016!
As 2016 marks the 20th year since the word “proteomics” was coined, the progress this scientific community has collectively achieved is tremendous. Today, we witness the real and exciting prospects of a human proteome map that can be tapped into for precision medicine. By the twin track of deep proteome sequencing and target quantification, combining the mass spectrometry techniques of data dependent and independent acquisition, complementary top-down and bottom up analysis, along with a host of non-MS-based systems approaches, we stand now to revolutionize our perception of the proteomic landscape and with it the very basics of all molecular and cellular processes.
For the past years, HUPO has been making a great evolution on advancing the science of proteome. To continue the object from the past congress, the HUPO 2016 in Taipei is focusing on “Precision Proteomics for Precision Biology and Medicine”. This unique platform will provide a great opportunity for proteomics scientists to communicate the most up-to-date and stimulating knowledge. We sincerely invite you to attend the Congress and take advantage of this special occasion to renew personal contacts, exchange ideas and present results on the latest development. I believe with your support and participation, we will make this congress successful and remarkable! More importantly, you cannot miss the chance to explore and discover the beauty of Formosa, and to experience the great hospitality of this island.
With open arms and warm regards, we look forward to welcoming you to Taipei in September, 2016.
Dr. Ming-Daw Tsai |
Dr. Yu-Ju Chen |